maandag 25 februari 2008

Representation of Teachers in 60 years

Representations of Teachers in 60 Years of Films:

A Database promoting Critical Analysis of Teacher Image with regard to Race, Class, and Gender This data set was developed as a resource for Foundations of Education Courses and Other Courses in which learners will critically examine the representation of teachers and students in popular culture. I viewed 51 films released from 1939 to 1998 and analyzed each with respect to teacher and student representation in terms of race, class, and gender. For each film I described the story line, social context, implicit view of teaching, implicit view of students, and themes. All of the comments recorded (including data on race, class, and gender) reflect my interpretations and are subject to reinterpretation and critique. I hope you find the data tables useful, and please do share suggestions for revision/addition with me at Please also write if you would like a searchable, Access file of the original database from which these tables were produced.

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