zondag 30 oktober 2011

David Gilmour - The Film Club

The Film Club

David Gilmour is a father as well as a novelist and former film critic. He has written a memoir, “The Film Club,” about his decision to allow his 15-year-old son, Jesse, to drop out of school on the condition that he watch three movies a week of Gilmour’s choosing. Because it smacked of a plot gimmick from one of the movies Gilmour used to review, I feared the book would be similarly cute and tidy. But it’s a heartfelt portrait of how hard it is to grow up, how hard it is to watch someone grow up and how in the midst of a family’s confusion and ire, there is sometimes nothing so welcome as a movie. NYTimes.com

Chad Harbach, Inside the Whale

Inside the Whale: campus novel

Near the end of Moby-Dick is an indelible description of two boats lost to the White Whale: “The odorous cedar chips of the wrecks danced round and round, like the grated nutmeg in a swiftly stirred bowl of punch.” Reality rears its ugly, barnacle-encrusted head, and the mind retreats to cheerful thoughts of the ladle, the pewter cups, and the fireside. This tension lies at the heart of Chad Harbach’s Melville-obsessed debut novel, which is also a baseball novel, a campus novel, and a Jonathan Franzen-blurbed publishing event. Fielding’s epigraph is a snippet from fictitious Westish College’s fight song, the sort of thing belted out by punch-ruddied lads of the Old School. The book emanates from a wish peculiar to happy college students: “All he’d ever wanted was for nothing to ever change.”
The Weekly Standard

N. Sampath Kumar - Campus Cola

Campus Cola
is a medical college campus novel with the classic plotlines of adjusting to a new institution..." asiange

Campus Cola -
At forty-three, Hucky’s life is torn apart. He’s jilted (his young lover doesn’t fancy him anymore), jobless (his boss wants him to take a break and recharge), totally messed up, and is battling the blues. Since nostalgia is therapeutic, he decides to pen a book on his fun-drenched salad days at Defcoms, a Bangalore-based medical college that churns out doctors for the armed forces. He recalls a journey pulsating with adventure, ragging, grueling regimen, romance, road trips rustication, dares, foreigner babes, power politics, drug addiction, gang warfare, academic gloominess, comical events, draconian rules, a Zen master, philosophy, God-consciousness and rebellion. What’s more, the delightful campus romp is energised by an eccentric genius, an avid bettor, two brawny dudes, a war cry shouter, a planner of wild schemes (all part of the ‘Maniacs’ gang), and a few mushy lovers who make life unbelievably colourful. Seen through the right prism of seven maverick minds, it’s as psychedelic a journey as the LSD trips Hucky loves. Just when he’ getting numbed again by melancholy, Hucky and Paddy, a nephew he’s shacking up with, drink a death cocktail, meet God, and find their lives racing towards a magical, delightful new beginning.

Gopal Books Publishers

woensdag 26 oktober 2011

Chetan Bhagat - The Preachy Professor

Chetan Bhagat - The Preachy Professor

Reading a Chetan Bhagat novel used to be considered a non-reader’s approach to reading in my circles. Well, he did start the Light & Hearty Campus Novel revolution with Five Point Someone. Now, with the campus novel market flooding with books selling for profanity or casual humor or just relevance to a reality you’re aware of, you’d think Chetan Bhagat’s novel would lose the charm? No, Sir. Every new book seems like a level-up with this guy. Nothing could I respect more. read


Denis Johnson

...whereas The Name of the World is about mid-life bourgeois ennui and is, among other things, a campus novel.

zondag 23 oktober 2011

Pola Oloixarac - Het hoorcollege

Pola Oloixarac - Het hoorcollege. Meulenhoff

Rosa Ostreech is de koningin van de faculteit der filosofie - vindt ze zelf. Ze is slimmer dan je zou denken, mooier dan zou mogen en arroganter dan draaglijk is. Wat haar betreft houden de theorieën die zij en de andere studenten krijgen voorgeschoteld de vooruitgang tegen, zeker in deze multimediale tijden. Maar dan valt ze voor een oudere uitgebluste professor, wiens levenswerk ze wil herschrijven. Zijn ideeën kloppen in haar ogen nét niet, en Rosa gaat er vol passie mee aan de slag in de hoop zijn aandacht te krijgen.

vrijdag 21 oktober 2011

The Best Professors From Movies

Have you ever been watching a movie and wished that one of the college professors you enjoyed could be yours? Here's who we'd like to see in our classrooms.


Wiener - Erza en Claire. Een Liefde

L.H. Wiener - Ezra en Claire, Een liefde

Nestor is het verhaal van de veertienjarige ‘vogelman’ Ezra Berger, verteld door de zevenenvijftig jarige leraar Victor van Gigch, die als schrijver publiceert onder het pseudoniem L.H. Wiener. Drie namen voor drie karakters, die ondanks hun individuele beleving van de werkelijkheid met het verstrijken der tijd steeds hechter vergroeien tot één persoon.

Literair Nederland

vrijdag 14 oktober 2011

The Marriage Plot - Eugenides

The Marriage Plot By Jeffrey Eugenides (Fourth Estate)
Jeffrey Eugenides's third full-length fiction begins life as a gleefully knowing campus novel, set at Rhode Island's Brown University in the early 1980s. It represents the wholesale re-creation of a cultural moment, one whose distance from the present is just enough to give the narrative the faded character of a shoebox of old Polaroids. The story it tells, of a beautiful young woman and her two suitors, consciously echoes its Victorian-era forebears.

Nihilism meets Jane Austen | The Australian

The Marriage Plot - Eugenides

The Marriage Plot
By Jeffrey Eugenides
Fourth Estate,

Jeffrey Eugenides's third full-length fiction begins life as a gleefully knowing campus novel, set at Rhode Island's Brown University in the early 1980s. It represents the wholesale re-creation of a cultural moment, one whose distance from the present is just enough to give the narrative the faded character of a shoebox of old Polaroids. The story it tells, of a beautiful young woman and her two suitors, consciously echoes its Victorian-era forebears.

Nihilism meets Jane Austen | The Australian