vrijdag 20 februari 2009


Asani Sanket - Distant Thunder

Asani Sanket (Distant Thunder): A film by Satyajit Ray

The film is set in 1943-44, when the famine struck Bengal during the British rule in India. It was a man made famine. As the British government cornered the civilian food supply for its armies, the people starved. The famine claimed the lives of five million people. The story takes place in a small village during the World War II. The famine affects the lives of the families in different ways.

Gangacharan, an educated Brahmin, has recently arrived to settle in the village with his wife. He decides to teach and conduct religious ceremonies in exchange for being supported by the villagers. The villagers readily agree. His wife, Ananga, is a sensuous woman. She is sensitive, giving, and devoted to her husband.

R.K.Narayan -The English Teacher

R.K.Narayan -The English Teacher
Natuon Master

Krishna is a Literature or English Lecturer in Albert Mission College. His life changes when his wife, Susila, contracts typhoid after a dirty encounter in a lavatory. She died from the illness. Krishna feels desolate but one day he receives a letter from a stranger who tells him that the deceased Susila wishes to communicate with him! R.K Narayan's skilful writing makes the incredible seem believable. And so begins Krishna's journey towards self-fulfilment... Along the way he also meets an eccentric Headmaster who loves children.

Kannada - Tembares

Hindi version of Moilys Kannada novel highlights education liberates the poor

By Sandeep Datta
New Delhi, Sep.15 (ANI): Senior Congress leader Dr.M.Verrappa Moilys Kannada novel Tembares Hindi version was released on Monday in the capital.
As a novel, Dhol (or, the drum) approves the hegemonic argument of education liberates the poor.
I spent five years researching for this novel. The novel hence showcases real culture and characters of those people who are illiterate. This is a story of a person , who is untouchable in day time but divine at night time. They are treated as slave and treated as divine at night. This is not my work, it is exactly of those real people of the group of society my novel is talking about, said Dr.M.Veerappa Moily, the novelist cum senior Congress leader at the Triveni Kala Sangam on the release.

Sur - Tanuja Chandra

Sur (2002) van Tanuja Chandra'
zie IloveIndia

"Sur" stars Lucky Ali and Gauri Karnik. It was released in 2002. Director Tanuja Chandra's "Sur" is a touching human drama that explores the subtle nuances of a relationship between a middle-aged music teacher and his young female student.

Vikramaditya Singh (Lucky Ali) is a music composer. He also runs a small musical school, where he teaches music. Although a singer himself, he is not satisfied with his compositions. He nurses the dream of finding a great student and polishing his or her talent. His search ends when he hears Tina (Gauri Karnik) singing in a church. He takes her under his wings and trains her. However, he starts feeling jealous of her when she turns out to be better than him. However, towards the end, he realizes his mistakes and gets her to perform in a concert. In the end, Tina becomes a successful singer and Vikramaditya returns back to teaching music to his students.

Hey Teacher. You look good in films

Hey teacher! You look good in films-Bollywood-Entertainment-The Times of India

An idealistic teacher. A class of cynical, antisocial youngsters. They meet. They clash. But in the end, the guru shows the way.

Satyen Bose’s Jagriti in 1954 and the 1955 Glenn Ford-starrer Blackboard Jungle were probably the earliest films, in Bollywood and Hollywood respectively, to explore the genre of the inspirational teacher. There have been many films on similar themes that followed. Incidentally, 2007 seems to have been the year of the teacher or coach for Bollywood — Chak De! India, Dhan Dhana Dhan Goal, Aaja Nachle, Good Boy Bad Boy, Nanhe Jaisalmer and now Aamir Khan’s Taare Zameen Par. BT looks back on some of the most popular screen teachers...

The Guide: ‘A story as fresh as the girls in their minis... And as cool as their teacher had to be!’ To Sir, With Love is one film every teacher would want every student to see. “I don’t think there’s any school that hasn’t screened this film to its students,” says Naresh Rao, a lecturer. Others with similar storylines were The Principal, Stand and Deliver, Lean on Me, and Dangerous Minds. Says theatre person Ratan Thakore Grant, “The teacher in Dead Poets’ Society got his students to believe in themselves. He taught them something they would never learn from their textbooks. This film tops my list of favourites.” Adds Naresh, “Of the many Bollywood films about teachers, I like Imtihaan the best. Vinod Khanna portrayed the ideal leader. The character was etched out very powerfully.”

The Coach: Music of the Heart, Take the Lead, Mr Holland’s Opus, The Man Without a Face, Karate Kid, The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady , Sur, Sir, Rockford, Iqbal, Black — the list of films that took teaching beyond the confines of a classroom is long. This year, of course, Chak De! ’s Kabir Khan made the biggest impact. “ Chak De ! showed a teacher as being selfless, which is how a guide should be,” says Ratan, adding, “A teacher is not someone who sits up there and gives instructions.

A teacher can be anyone who has a positive influence in your life. My favourite films would be The Fountainhead (based on the Ayn Rand novel), Pay It Forward and Iqbal. Guru Dutt’s Pyasa is a good example of teaching gone wrong.”

Jagriti - Satyen Bose (1954)

Jagriti - Satyen Bose (1954)

The film was copied in 1957 Pakistani film "Bedari" produced by Rafiq Rizvi. Even the songs were copied by replacing "Hindustan" by "Pakistan"

The film is about a spoiled rich kid, Ajay (Rajkumar Gupta),who is a problem child and is sent away to a boarding school by his grandfather. The board school is run by Shekhar (Abhi Bhattacharya). Shekhar tries to instill good values in the students using unorthodox teaching methods. He gains the students' trust and educates them about the heritage of their country and encourages them to become model citizens. At the boarding school, Ajay continues his ways and gets into trouble all the time, including with Shekhar. Meanwhile, Ajay meets and befriends a crippled boy named Shakti (Rattan Kumar) who's character is the opposite of Ajay. Shakti tries very hard to help Ajay change his ways, but Ajay's stubborn nature gets in the way.

Finally one day, Ajay attempts to leave the hostel and Shakti finds out. Shakti tries to go after him and stop him but his handicap slows him down and his earnestness to get Ajay back causes him to lose track of the heavy traffic on the road. That is when Shakti is run over in a horrific accident. This was the triggering moment in Ajay, realizing that it was because of his stubbornness, Shakti died. His moves him to change and become a better person. He goes on to excel in academics and sports.Meanwhile, Shekhar's method of teaching wins approval by the education board in the end. He decides to leave the boarding school to spread his message elsewhere through his unorthodox but ...


maandag 16 februari 2009

Nieuwe golf schoolfilms

De 'schoolfilm' boert goed de laatste tijd. Blijkbaar
fascineert het thema menig regisseur vandaag.
Na Entre les murs en Elève libre kwamen de voorbije
weken diverse films (helaas soms zeer kort) in de zalen:

Honoré, Christophe (2008). La Belle personne. (F)
Verheyde, Sylvie (2008). Stella. (F)

En nu is er alweer een specimen in de bioscoop (o.m. Sfinx -Gent) te zien:

Shanley, John Patrick (2008). Doubt. (US)

Het valt op dat de recente golf van films waarin onderwijs
een hoofdthema of nevenmotief vormt sterke auteursfilms
zijn die deels afwijken van de bekende Hollywood-template
(leraar als 'held' of 'redder').


donderdag 12 februari 2009

JP Shanley, Doubt

John Patrick Shanley, Doubt
uit Cinescene:

According to a report commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, over four thousand clerics were accused of sexual abuse during the past fifty years. Although approximately thirty percent of these accusations were not investigated because they were unsubstantiated, given the proclivity of the bishops to cover up these incidents, the figures are widely suspected to be underestimated. What may be lost in the discussion of statistics about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, however, is an understanding of the humanity of the people involved or the complexities of the circumstances.

This factor is brought to light in */Doubt/*, John Patrick Shanley’s filmed version of his Tony Award and Pulitzer Prize winning stage play. Based on Shanley’s personal experiences at Catholic School, the film explores not only the issue of possible sexual abuse but conservative versus progressive religious values and how far one can rely on suspicion in the absence of proof. In 1964, Sister Aloysius (Meryl Streep) is the dragon lady of St. Nicholas school in the Bronx. A strict taskmaster, she relishes her role as the upholder of tradition, rejecting such modern devices as ballpoint pens and the singing of secular songs at Christmas like "Frosty the Snowman," which she equates with pagan magic.

Doubt (2008 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Autobiografische onderwijsromans

N.a.v. recensie van Siebelinks roman

Nu kun je bij Siebelink gelukkig spreken van twee oeuvres: naast romans waarin de strenge godsdienstbeleving een grote rol speelt, zijn er boeken die gesitueerd zijn in het onderwijs en /Suezkade/ past hier duidelijk in. Als voormalig docent kent hij het leven op een middelbare school uit ervaring. Binnen het genre van de (autobiografische) onderwijsroman hebben ook L.H. Wiener en Robert Anker geschreven over de leraar die geïntrigeerd raakt door een leerlinge en dat heeft boeiende literatuur opgeleverd. Is dat ook zo bij /Suezkade/?

Interview Maarten Bril

Interview met Maarten Bril

Schrijven is een vak. Dat klinkt makkelijk, en voor de hand liggend. Maar waar leer je dat vak? Als je loodgieter wilt worden (daar kun je meer mee verdienen dan met schrijven), is de weg duidelijk: je gaat of bij je vader in de leer, of naar een school die je de basisbeginselen van het loodgieten bijbrengt. Daarna ga je werken voor een baas, die alles van lood en gieten weet, en na een jaar of tien ben je volleerd loodgieter en kan het grote, deels zwarte binnenlopen beginnen.

Voor schrijvers ligt het anders.

In mijn tijd, eind jaren zeventig, was er geen geen opleiding voor. Op de lagere school leerde je het alfabet, op de middelbare school kreeg je een paar leuke boeken mee (/Kort Amerikaans, Het Bittere Kruid, Het Behouden Huis/) en als je dan nog steeds schrijver wilde worden, ging je Nederlands studeren. Meestal werd je dan leraar. Er zijn heel wat leraren die in hun vrije tijd romans zijn gaan schrijven, vele van die boeken werden ooit ook uitgegeven, maar geen daarvan zal de eeuwigheid ooit halen. Eens een leraar, altijd een leraar.

Dus je wilt schrijver worden.

Hoe, in godsnaam?

Ik zelf wilde al schrijver worden op mijn twaalfde. Toen ik zestien was, wilde ik het nog steeds. Niet dat ik veel schreef, helemaal niet, verre van, ik wilde gewoon schrijver worden - /simple comme/ /bonjour/. Wie niet, eigenlijk?

Voor schrijver kon je niet studeren. Of het had Nederlands moeten zijn, maar dan werd je dus leraar, of een schrijvende leraar - nog erger. Ik ging dus filosofie studeren. Het idee daarachter was dat het een studie was waar je veel voor moest lezen - en van lezen komt vanzelf schrijven. Dat klinkt gek, in deze moderne tijden, maar het was dertig jaar geleden al waar, en nu nog steeds.

schijvende leraar Barend Rijdes

Uit de blog Erfgoedman:

Gelezen: de literaire dagboeken van de schrijvende leraar Barend Rijdes (1910-1975), docent aan het Kennemer Lyceum in Haarlem. Zijn wederwaardigheden zijn beschreven in drie afzonderlijke delen (1941-1955, 1955-1965 en 1965-1975), uitgegeven door antiquariaat Lenie Peetoom in de reeks Haarlemse Verkenningen. Rijdes verkeerde in Haarlemse schrijverskringen waarvan ook Godfried Bomans, Lizzy May en Harry Mulisch deel uitmaakten, en ook andere schrijvers die het minder ver hebben gebracht.
In de dagboeken spreekt Rijdes voortdurend twijfels uit over zijn eigen schrijverschap.

25 september 1955
‘Al enige maanden doe ik niets – alle pogingen tot een verhaal te komen lopen op niets uit, ik barst bij wijze van spreken van bruikbare détails maar mis de visie. Mocht dit ooit later een jonge schrijver onder ogen komen (en ben ik dan gebleken, een schrijver te zijn geweest van enig belang) laat hem dit dan troosten. Overigens: deze toestand is deplorabel. Ik mis de zin van het bestaan als ik niet schrijf. En wat is schrijven: vlucht voor jezelf, dat wil zeggen een soort constante boetedoening voor schuld.’

Rijdes zendt bijdragen in naar literaire tijdschriften en krijgt ze weer als afgewezen retour. Soms stuurt hij vijf gedichten in waarvan er maar één geplaatst wordt, maar in plaats van blijdschap hierover overheerst toch ontevredenheid (vooral over zichzelf). Ook veel particuliere beslommeringen en over zijn werk als leraar aan het Kennemer Lyceum.

Kees Beekmans

HP-De Tijd

De schrijvende leraar *Kees Beekmans* moet van zijn directie zijn pen neerleggen. Zijn columns in De Groene Amsterdammer zouden te veel kritiek op de schoolorganisatie bevatten. Beekmans zegt dat hij hoe dan ook zal blijven schrijven.
Beekmans doceert op een ‘zwarte’ school voor praktijkonderwijs (een niveau onder het vmbo) te Amsterdam. In De Groene Amsterdammer, en sinds kort ook tweewekelijks in de Volkskrant, schrijft hij over zijn ervaringen met zijn leerlingen. Ook is hij een graag geziene gast in tv-programma’s.
Onvermijdelijk komt in zijn columns soms ook het beleid van de school aan de orde, zegt Beekmans. “Als ik moeilijkheden heb met leerlingen, kan dat liggen aan de schoolorganisatie. Voorbeeld: als je als school je leerlingen te lang niets te doen geeft, worden ze baldadig.”
De directie heeft gedreigd met ‘disciplinaire maatregelen’ als Beekmans niet stopt met publiceren. Zo’n dertig leraren hebben het in een brief aan de schoolleiding voor hun collega opgenomen.
Deze donderdag heeft Beekmans een gesprek met de hoogste baas van zijn scholengemeenschap, de Esprit Scholen Groep. “Als ik word geschorst? Dan stap ik naar de rechter.”

dinsdag 10 februari 2009

James Hynes - The Lecturer's Tale.

James Hynes: The Lecturer’s Tale — A Novel (2001). Guardian.

In this pun-rich academic send-up, Professor Nelson Humboldt comes into an unusual gift. When his finger is surgically reattached following a freak accident, he discovers that he can use it to control people. Immediately, he sets about proving that even a little power can corrupt, and takes over the English department in his midwestern university. The meshing of gothic horror and literary theory might seem unlikely, but Hynes puts it to superb comic use in pointing out the absurdities of gender theory, tenure tracks and campus-based culture wars. SJ

zondag 8 februari 2009

Angus- Writing about teaching

Max Angus, 'Writing about Teaching'.

Annual Meeting of the Australian Association for Research on Education,
Hobart, November, 1995

Fictional and non-fictional narratives about teaching provide a more accessible source of knowledge about teaching than scientific accounts although they are held in low repute in the academic community.

The Wave

The Wave

De korte film 'The Wave' (50 minuten) is gebaseerd op een experiment van de geschiedenis docent Ron Jones op Cubberley High School in Palo Alto (V.S.) in 1967. (de school werd in 1979 gesloten vanwege te weinig leerlingen)
Jones kreeg van leerlingen de vraag voorgelegd hoe het mogelijk was dat iemand als Hitler zo'n aantrekkingskracht had op mensen. Toen hij het antwoord op die vraag schuldig moest blijven startte hij een experiment.
Dit experiment verliep boven verwachting. Na een paar weken was er een beweging in het leven geroepen, ‘The Wave’ , waarvan de leden op zoek waren naar een sterk gemeenschapsgevoel en een gezonde werk-discipline. Maar al spoedig werd de beweging met zijn mysterieuze leider, een doel op zich. Tegenstanders van ‘The Wave’ werden vijanden en oude vriendschappen werden beëindigd. Kritiek op ‘The Wave’ werd beantwoord met agressie en intimidatie. Een tijd lang leek Jones de controle over de beweging helemaal kwijt tot hij de leden confronteerde met wie hun mysterieuze leider was, Hitler zelf. Deze onthulling shockeerde de leerlingen zeer en velen barstten in huilen uit.
Uitgebreide informatie en didactische voorstellen op histoforum.digischool.

Zie ook artikel van Ron Wave.

Die Welle

nrc.nl - film - Die Welle
Menigeen zal hem in de lessen maatschappijleer ooit hebben gezien, al was het maar om het uur te vullen: de Amerikaanse televisiefilm /The Wave/ (1981). Deze Emmy Award-winnaar was gebaseerd op een experiment van geschiedenisleraar Ron Jones uit 1967. Hij wilde zijn leerlingen laten zien dat het fascisme niet is voorbehouden aan nazi-Duitsland. In de Duitse remake /Die Welle/ heeft de populaire docent Rainer Wenger (Jürgen Vogel) hetzelfde uitgangspunt. Als anarchist en ex-kraker wil de in punk T-shirts gehulde Rainer tijdens een studieproject zijn leerlingen graag leren wat anarchie is, maar dat onderwerp is door zijn brave collega gekaapt. Dan maar autocratie. „Niet weer het fascisme”, roepen de scholieren verveeld.

Hun desinteresse prikkelt Rainer tot een experiment. Hij verdeelt de klas in groepen en drilt ze in discipline: zo moeten ze hem aanspreken met ‘Herr Wenger’ en opstaan als ze tegen hem spreken. Hij laat ze een uniform kiezen en sluit andersdenkenden uit. In een paar dagen overspoelt deze beweging de hele school. Ook Rainer zelf wordt meegesleurd door zijn didactische experiment: de vrijbuiter geniet eigenlijk wel van de discipline en de orde in zijn klas.

Didactisch materiaal: DieWelle_Schulmaterial.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Trailer: Die Welle | Ab 06.10.2008 auf DVD, PE und Blu-ray!

Vragen bij de film.

Animated cartoons

Animated Cartoons
Beavis and Butt-head
Bromwell High
King of the Hill
The Simpsons
South Park

Boarding School

The Girls' Boarding School Story
By Eva Margareta Löfgren

Home page McEwing

Richard A. McEwing Home Page

* *Songs About Schooling Popular songs, including the song lyrics
and a bit about the artist or group, related to schooling and the
social challenges to education.
* *Films on Schooling Movies and related readings that depict
situations facing teachers in yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's
schools. *
* *Student Creations on Educators Student poems, songs, and artist
creations celebrating noteworthy women and men in the history of
education. *

Academic Books

Academic Books and Papers, Education in Popular Culture

Pop Music

Popular Music, Education in Popular Culture
Popular music is notoriously impervious to interpretation. Lyrics are different to poetry and music can transform their meanings. The supposed (by some) triviality and disposability of pop are further complications. Notwithstanding these factors, below are some songs that have varying degrees of relevance to education and educational issues. Please note that in many cases the information supplied is not (yet) complete. We would appreciate suggestions for inclusion, further information (where missing) and corrections from anybody who can be of assistance.


Television, Education in Popular Culture
The output of television is now 24 hour, global and consequently immense. In the United Kingdom and the United States, there is a particular interest in dramas and documentaries that focus on crime and the police services, and on various aspects of medical practice and the work of hospitals. Whilst education based features are less popular than the police/medical productions, they are nonetheless a staple of television. Teachers and learners often appear as characters in soap operas.
UK viewers will be familiar with Ken Barlow’s teaching years in the long running /Coronation Street/ and the ascent to teaching of former ‘smackhead’ Jimmy Corkhill in Channel 4’s /Brookside/. In addition to this, there have been a number of ‘one-off’ reality based TV dramas of note, recent examples being /Ahead of the Class/ (first broadcast by ITV in February 2005) and /The Thieving Headmistress/ (BBC2 June 2006) and fictional dramas, for example, /A Class Apart/ (BBC 1 March 2007). In August 2006, Channel 4 screened the moving television documentary /Secret Life of the Classroom/ showing the travails of children new to school. The same channel has hosted a successful ‘reality TV’ series /That’ll Teach ‘Em/, (first shown in 2003), which exposes groups of modern teenagers to the discipline and rigours of the educational experience in the manner of a 1950s grammar school and /How the Other Half Learns /(April 2007) which featured an exchange between state school and private school pupils.


Novels, Education in Popular Culture

Many novels have some aspect of education as a theme or have a narrative that features teachers/learners or educational institutions in some significant way. To include ‘literature’ in thinking about ‘popular culture’, however, may seem inappropriate. This list appears here primarily because of the ubiquity of the paperback novel, and the fact that not all novels meet the criteria of ‘high culture’. There is also a sense in which literature, however defined, can both reflect and inform popular culture.
There is a very large genre of school based literature that is aimed specifically at children, well known examples include Enid Blyton’s /St. Clare’s/ and /Malory Towers/ series, Richmal Crompton’s /Just William/ stories and Anthony Buckeridge’s ‘Jennings’ series (set in a prep school). The Harry Potter phenomenon, (authored by J K Rowlings), presents a recent example of the commercial power and the pull of this type of literature on the collective imagination both in the UK and internationally. Paradoxically (perhaps), no attempt to list ‘children’s’ literature’ has been made here. This is partly owing to the vast number (and variable quality) of publications that fall into this category. The ‘campus novel’ is discussed in Showalter E (2005) /Faculty Towers: the Academic Novel and its Discontents/. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Any of the following may be of interest to those seeking light, and in some cases not so light reading, that has some bearing on education and/or schooling. Please note that the date shown in square brackets [e.g. 1934] is the date of original publication (so far as it has been possible to establish it) rather than the date of a current edition.

Poetry Collection

Poetry Collections, Education in Popular Culture

The comments above regarding the novel and its high culture/popular culture status apply equally in relation to poetry. Certainly the work of Betjeman may be thought of as relatively ‘mainstream’, having being popularised through television and found its way onto a number of ‘pop records’. There are a great many poems that relate in some way to aspects of education and/or schooling – too many to list. Below are some collections of poems in which these themes are particularly prominent. We would welcome suggestions for inclusion in future editions of this very incipient list.
Alhberg A [1983] - /Please Mrs Butler/
Betjeman J [1960] - /Summoned By Bells/
Cook S [1971] - /Form Photograph/
Cook S [1976] - /Staff Photograph/
Duffy C A [1994] - /Selected Poems

Films vy Fisher, Harvis, Jarvis

Compiled by Dr Roy Fisher, Dr Ann Harris and Dr Christine Jarvis

School of Education and Professional Development
University of Huddersfield, UK

Education in Popular Culture
Educational institutions, teachers, and learners have featured strongly in the cinema. Films ranging from high farce comedy (The Belles of St. Trinian’s) to sentimental portraits of a teacher (Goodbye, Mr Chips and Mr Holland’s Opus) can tell us something about the way in which society represents teachers, learners and the educational process.
The list below, although not comprehensive, features mainly UK, US, Australasian, and Canadian made films with the addition of a few others that have become well known in the English speaking world. The films are listed in alphabetical order except that the definite article has been ignored when it is the first word in a title. In compiling this section we have relied heavily on Halliwell’s Film Guide, The Radio Times Guide to Films, and The Time Out Film Guide, and We acknowledge Our debt to all three of these publications as well as to many internet sites.

Cultural comparison

Project Muse

Bulman convincingly demonstrates that high school films are not about schooling, rather they are social settings where identity issues, rite of passage and the grand drama of adolescence is played out. Would it then not have been better to reframe the study to address these broader themes? A reframing together with a discussion of the translatability of the high school genre to non-American films would have better suited the comparative dimension of the study and the
inclusion of 41 foreign films, not all of which relate to high school we learn as few foreign films were to be found that could be categorized as ‘high school films.’ The question then arises if the high school film is an American genre, does it lend itself to cross-cultural comparison?

Mike Leigh - Happy-Go-Lucky

Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Set in contemporary London, the film focuses on the character of Pauline Cross, who goes by the nickname, "Poppy". Poppy is an irrepressibly cheerful, Pollyanna-type primary school teacher, thirty years old, single, and infinitely optimistic and accepting. She shares a flat with her best friend Zoe in Finsbury Park. The film presents various situations that test Poppy's inherent optimism.

Clips school films

Film studies: Watch clips from classic school films (H-Z)
Check out the Great School Movies shortlist of 40 before voting for your favourite for Teachers TV

Campus Novel subgenre mystery

School and university in literature campus novel

A campus novel, also known as an academic novel, is a novel whose main action is set in and around the campus of a university. The genre in its current form dates back to the early 1950s. The Groves of Academe by Mary McCarthy, published in 1952, is often quoted as the earliest example, although in Faculty Towers: The Academic Novel and Its Discontents, Elaine Showalter discusses C.P. Snow's The Masters, of the previous year, and several earlier novels have an academic setting.

Many well-known campus novels, such as Kingsley Amis's Lucky Jim and those of David Lodge, are comic or satirical, often counterpointing intellectual pretensions and human weaknesses. Some, however, attempt a serious treatment of university life; examples include C.P. Snow's The Masters, J.M. Coetzee's Disgrace and Philip Roth's The Human Stain. Novels such as Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited that focus on students rather than faculty are often considered to belong to a distinct genre, sometimes termed varsity novels.

A subgenre is the campus murder mystery, where the closed university setting substitutes for the country house of Golden Age detective novels; examples include Dorothy L. Sayers' Gaudy Night, Carolyn Gold Heilbrun's Kate Fansler mysteries and Colin Dexter's The Silent World of Nicholas Quinn.

Keith Gessen - All the Sad Young Literary Men

Keith Gessen, All the Sad Young Literary Men. Penguin.

In /All The Sad Young Literary Men/ Gessen charts the lives of Mark, Keith, and Sam as they over-process their college days, under-process relationships past and present, and pathetically as well as triumphantly struggle their way through a web of women who love them and loathe them, in search for a sense of maturity, responsibility and literary (or other) fame.

Newly divorced and heartbroken in his university town of Syracuse, Mark attempts to center his life around his graduate work on the Russian Revolution and ends up being seduced by internet dating and online porn. Sam’s on a mission to write “the first great Zionist epic” even though he couldn’t say a Hebrew word if you paid him, hasn’t yet made it to Israel, and is not a practicing Jew. Obsessive self-Googler and avid dater after a string of failed relationships, Sam learns what it feels like to be just another name on a list of sexual encounters. And then there’s more serious and sensitive Keith who is thwarted by inherited notions of resilience and greatness, by memories of his broken family, and muddles his way into the arms of the selfless woman he meets in Brooklyn.

All the Sad Young Literary Men - Keith Gessen: an overview of the reviews and critical reactions

"Still, there is something weirdly fetching about /All the Sad Young Literary Men/ -- weird because the book describes such a tiny, occasionally infuriating world, one where progressive magazines and book reviews might save the world and crossing paths with the vice president’s daughter is just a part of a Harvard education. It is a world of less-than-practical professions. And yet there is something affecting about the impossibly great aspirations shared by Mr. Gessen’s trio, especially as it shields them from thinking too deeply about the cowardly deeds that pock their day-to-day lives." - Hua Hsu, The New York Sun

Professor Movies

MySpace.com Blogs - Nog Thinks About "Professor Movies!" - Richard MySpace Blog

I was watching /Smart People/ recently, I thought about how many films lately have dealt with professors (usually English professors). There's /The Squid and The Whale/ (excellent), /The Savages/ (very good), /The Visitor/ (very good), /Elegy/ (not playing in Larryville anytime soon but supposedly very good), and /Smart People/ (fair). None of these films seem to exist primarily to explore or satirize the academic environment in a way similar to what's often called "the campus novel," (although I suppose /Wonder Boys/, not as recent, sort of fits that particular mold). Rather, they either deal with the idea of a professor who's become disaffected and disengaged and must learn to "re-connect" (/Visitor/; /Smart People/) or they show how the mindset of academia can impacts one's relationships (/Squid/; /Savages/). With the exception of /Smart People/, which played to empty multiplexes, these films largely reside in the arthouses, which I suppose are frequented by a large number of academics (who perhaps see themselves reflected in the films, not usually in pleasant ways: none of them follow the formula of "inspirational teacher" flicks). At best, they capture a certain hollowness that can exist in academia. Watch Jeff Daniels in /Squid/ expounding on the 'canon' at the dinner table, probably reciting the same lines he's used hundreds of times before, which are then picked up by his teenage son and recycled in his own classes (without his having read the works at all). Even /Smart People/, the weakest link of the ones I've seen, is occasionally pretty perceptive: there's a great bit where Dennis Quaid meets with his editors, who have imposed a very combative tone on Quaid's new book as a way of getting it to sell—if you can't please them, piss them off. His book is titled: "You Can't Read." And judging from the number of books one sees on shelves right now with names like "How To Read Like a Professor," people enjoy being told they don't know how to read and instructed in how /to/ read! English professors, our time has come: we're movie stars!

zaterdag 7 februari 2009

Herman Koch - Mijn leraar Nederlands

Herman Koch, De Lerarenkamer. Meulenhof. 2009.
Schrijver online.

Wanneer de jonge Kranich benoemd wordt tot docent op een gerenommeerd gymnasium in Göppingen, maakt rector Höllinger hem direct duidelijk op welke vier pijlers zijn schoolsysteem gebaseerd is: angst, ellende, valse schijn en leugens. Door middel van een rigide doorgevoerd verdeel- en heerssysteem probeert Höllinger zijn medewerkers naar een ondoorgrondelijk ideaal te vormen. Leerlingen zijn bijzaak, alles draait om het sturen en manipuleren van de leraren. Kranich wordt ingezet als spion binnen de school en raakt verstrikt in interne complotten en ondergronds verzet. Hoe kan hij uit dit wonderlijk moeras van intriges, mysterieuze koffertjes en geheime samenkomsten ontsnappen?

Markus Orths - De lerarenkamer

Markus Orths, De lerarenkamer
Podium, 2004
Goethe-Institut Übersetzen als Kulturaustausch

Korte roman over een beginnende leraar aan een Duitse middelbare school. Vanaf het begin wordt hem duidelijk gemaakt, dat de school een soort jungle is, waarin overleven moeilijk en een vaste aanstelling verkrijgen bijna onmogelijk is. De rector probeert de absolute macht te handhaven, het personeel dient slechts om controle over iedereen te houden. Zo bloeit een klimaat op, waarin manipulatie, achterdocht en frustratie de boventoon voeren. Ontsnappen uit deze demoralisatie kan maar op een manier; totaal verzet of ontslag nemen. Uiterst vermakelijke, hilarische roman met absurdistische trekjes, waarin cliche, realiteit en fantasie handig zijn gecombineerd. Levert een avond onbekommerd plezier op voor buitenstaander en (gestresste) leraar. Volgens de flaptekst zijn in de Duitse versie al meer dan 30.000 exemplaren verkocht en is een verfilming in voorbereiding. Paperback; normale druk.

Bordewijk Bint

Terug naar de wereld van Bordewijk: De school van Bint. Groene Amsterdammer.

«Ik eis van ieder: tucht.» Aldus rector Bint in de gelijknamige roman van Bordewijk uit 1934. Zeventig jaar later is er paniek over het vmbo en roept de politiek om tuchtscholen. Is Bint teruggekeerd?

Onderwijsbeeldvorming Vlaamse Literatuur


n de Vlaamse literatuur zijn veel voorbeelden aan te wijzen van romans die afrekenen met het onderwijsstelsel, verweven met de ijzeren hand van de katholieke kerk, het rechtse zakenleven en de conservatieve rechterlijke macht. Soms gebeurt dat met een ongekende felheid, een felheid die we in de Hollandse literatuur minder terugvinden. Het betreft vooral romans uit de jaren zestig en zeventig van de vorige eeuw. Het engagement van Vlaamse schrijvers is traditioneel veel groter dan die van Nederlandse schrijvers, zij hebben tot ver in de vorige eeuw tegen censuur en in beslagname van hun werk moeten vechten. Dwars door de schoolstrijd heen liep de taalstrijd, enfin, de geschiedenis van Vlaanderen is een boeiend epos, lees er de kranten van de afgelopen maanden maar op na. Een korte verkenning in de Vlaamse letteren.

Literaire Beeldvorming Nederlandse literatuur

Onderwijs is niet om te lachen: De literaire beeldvorming over het leraarschap

Veel leraren in Nederlandse onderwijsromans kampen met een negatief zelfbeeld of het tegendeel: zelfoverschatting. Het leven heeft soms een kwade hand in het lerarenbestaan; zij hebben spijt over hun besluit in het onderwijs te gaan en over de verspilde jaren die reeds zijn heengegaan. Heel vaak gaat het mislukken als leraar gepaard aan huwelijksproblemen (verliefdheden op collega’s of leerlingen liggen op de loer) of existentiële vereenzaming, identiteitsverlies en innerlijk gemis. Helemaal aan de fantasie van schrijvers ontsproten is dit niet, in de onderwijspsychologie noemt men dit verschijnsel ‘het desintegrerend leraarschap’.

Blackboard Jungle - History

History of Education: Selected Moments

The novel /The Blackboard Jungle/ caused a great deal of controversy surrounding the state of education in the United States during the 1950’s. It paints a less than bright picture of inner-city education as it focuses on a young teacher teaching at a trade school filled with young, violent juvenile delinquents. The book was soon made into a film by MGM studios, bringing the story to a larger audience, while sparking debate on the “crisis” of juvenile delinquency, and whether or not the film was representative of American education, or as Adam Golub (2004) writes, “a work of sociology or sensationalism – a work of fact or fiction” (p. 105). I will discuss these ideas by giving a summary of the novel, showing some major differences between the novel and the film, and looking at how both the novel and the film had a substantial impact on the dialogue surrounding the current state of American education.

The Wire

The Wire (season 4) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The *fourth season* of the television series 'The Wire' commenced airing in the United States on September 10, 2006, concluded on December 10, 2006, and contained 13 episodes. It introduces Baltimore's school system and several middle school students while continuing to examine the remnants of the Barksdale Organization, the ascendant Stanfield Organization, the Baltimore police department and politicians.

see You Tube

Jors Note - Hoe ik mijn horloge stuksloeg

Joris Note - Hoe ik mijn horloge stuksloegAKO-Literatuurprijs - Literatuurplein.nl

Nominatierapport Joris Note:
Hoe ik mijn horloge stuksloeg is het verhaal van een ontmoeting tussen twee buitenstaanders: een ex-leraar van middelbare leeftijd die in een crisis verkeert en op zoek is naar rust in een kloosterpaviljoen, en een kloosterzuster die bijna zijn tijdgenote is. Boris is ongelovig maar verloochent zijn christelijke verleden niet, al verfoeit hij het loodzware juk van blinde gehoorzaamheid en verlammend schuldbewustzijn.

Joris Note : Hoe ik mijn horloge stuksloeg
Brakke Hond.

Boris dacht: ik leer zo goed, waarom zou ik geen leraar worden, en hij werd leraar, en omdat hij zo erg goed geleerd had werd hij leraar in een lerarenopleiding. Toen gebeurde er iets met hem, niets in zijn voorbije leven had dit laten voorzien, helemaal niets, hoe is het mogelijk. Boris stond voor de klas en werd beoordeeld door zijn studenten, ze betwijfelden zijn bekwaamheid en rechtschapenheid, hij behaagde hun niet. Hij zei veel dat hij zelf niet geloofde en over wat hij wel geloofde sprak hij zonder geloof, en zonder hoop of liefde, want wat zou er hem niet kunnen ontsnappen in een geestdriftig moment, ze zouden zijn schunnigheid doorzien, ze zouden hem niet vergeven wie hij was, hij had het recht niet voor de klas te staan, het was onverantwoord, hij was onverantwoord.

Joris Note - Tegen het Einde

Joris Note, Tegen het einde. Bezige Bij.

Maurice Loterman komt in aanvaring met de benauwde onderwijswereld en krijgt zijn ontslag als leraar geschiedenis. Welke verwachtingen beschaamde hij, welke eisen vergat hij in te willigen - en hoe kan hij verder?
Jaren later blikt hij terug, in een verhaal van politiek, woede en liefde. Aan het begin lijkt het einde dichterbij, aan het einde is er een begin. Iemand die zich al afwendde van de wereld raapt nieuwe moed bij elkaar.

dinsdag 3 februari 2009

Lionel Shriver, We moeten het even over Kevin hebben

Lionel Shriver (2008), We moeten het even over Kevin hebben. Contact
Nadat haar bijna 16-jarige zoon op zijn highschool acht mensen heeft vermoord, kijkt zijn moeder in brieven aan haar man terug op diens kindertijd in een poging een verklaring voor zijn gedrag te vinden.

Vert. van: We need to talk about Kevin. - New York : Counterpoint, 2003. - Eerder verschenen o.d.t.: Waar is het fout gegaan. - Utrecht : Bruna, cop. 2006. - 1e dr. Nederlandse uitg.: 2007.

identity theory | interviews | lionel shriver

/We Need to Talk About Kevin/ is the story of Eva Khatchadourian's retrospective account of her son's life up to and beyond the day he went to his high school and began shooting his classmates. As Suzy Hansen writes at /Salon.com/: "What we get … is an interesting, thoughtful, and surprisingly credible thriller. /We Need to Talk About Kevin/ is about motherhood and the possibility that one's ambivalence about breeding might influence the growth and development of a child. Eva, in her scathingly honest and often witty recollections of her relationship with Franklin, her agonized decision to give up a life of traveling for motherhood, and her painful years with (the truly hideous and apathetic) Kevin, faces the question head on: /Am I responsible for what my child has done?/"

maandag 2 februari 2009


Sur - Tanuya Chandra - 2002

"Sur" is a touching human drama that explores the subtle nuances of a relationship between a middle-aged music teacher and his young female student.Vikramaditya Singh (Lucky Ali) is a music composer. He also runs a small musical school, where he teaches music. Although a singer himself, he is not satisfied with his compositions. He nurses the dream of finding a great student and polishing his or her talent. His search ends when he hears Tina (Gauri Karnik) singing in a church. He takes her under his wings and trains her. However, he starts feeling jealous of her when she turns out to be better than him. However, towards the end, he realizes his mistakes and gets her to perform in a concert. In the end, Tina becomes a successful singer and Vikramaditya returns back to teaching music to his students.

Education in Popular Culture

Education in Popular Culture explores what makes schools, colleges, teachers and students an enduring focus for a wide range of contemporary media. What is it about the school experience that makes us wish to relive it again and again? The book provides an overview of education as it is represented in popular culture, together with a framework through which educators can interpret these representations in relation to their own professional values and development. The analyses are contextualised within contemporary, historical and ideological frameworks, and make connections between popular representations and professional and political discourses about education.

Through its examination of film, television, popular lyrics and fiction, this book tackles educational themes that recur in popular culture, and demonstrates how they intersect with debates concerning teacher performance, the curriculum and young people’s behaviour and morality. Chapters explore how experiences of education are both reflected and constructed in ways that sometimes reinforce official and professional educational perspectives, and sometimes resist and oppose them.

The book addresses issues relating to: the characterization of teachers; sexual relationships in educational contexts; race, gender and bullying; resistance to educational processes and institutions; and lifelong learning.

Education in Popular Culture will stimulate critical reflection on the popular myths and professional discourses that surround teachers and teaching. It will serve to deepen analyses of teaching and learning and their associated institutional and societal contexts in a creative and challenging way (source: Routledge).

zondag 1 februari 2009

Perrota -More fiction

The Abstinence Teacher - Tom Perrotta - Books - Review - New York Times

Readers are most aware of his books that became hit movies — the black comedy “Election,” about a high school teacher who coaxes a shy jock to run for school president against a sexually predatory alpha girl; and the wistful romance “Little Children,” about a lonely man and woman, both married to others, both parents of toddlers, who slip into a love affair. But Perrotta’s unmassaged realism runs through all of his writing — from “Bad Haircut: Stories of the Seventies,” a coming-of-age collection so alive in detail that you can practically touch the tube socks and pastel tuxes; to his first novel, “The Wishbones,” about a small-time rocker with wedding jitters; to “Joe College,” a novel about a working-class kid from Jersey who reinvents himself at Yale, callously breaking ties with his girlfriend back home. Perrotta is a master of the lump-in-the-throat reversal, as in his story “Snowman,” when a pack of tough kids smash a giant snowman to punish an “enemy,” then realize, “wild with remorse,” that it was made for their target’s congenitally impaired kid brother. Usually, when you ask yourself, “What would a Perrotta character do?” you know the answer: he’d do the familiar, guiltily compromised, self-interested thing that any normal guy would do ... and you understand him, even if you don’t applaud him.

Tom Perrotta, - The Abstinence Teacher

Tom Perrotta, Author | Official Web Site

Stonewood Heights is the perfect place to raise kids. It's got the proverbial good schools, solid values and a healthy real estate market. It's the kind of place where parents are involved in their children's lives, where no opportunity for enrichment goes unexplored.

Ruth Ramsey is the human sexuality teacher at the local high school. She believes that "pleasure is good, shame is bad, and knowledge is power." Ruth's younger daughter's soccer coach is Tim Mason, a former stoner and rocker whose response to hitting rock bottom was to reach out and be saved. Tim belongs to The Tabernacle, an evangelical Christian church that doesn't approve of Ruth's style of teaching. And Ruth in turn doesn't applaud The Tabernacle's mission to take its message outside its doors.

Adversaries in a small-town culture war, Ruth and Tim instinctively mistrust each other. But when a controversy on the soccer field pushes the two of them to actually talk to each other, they are forced to take each other at something other than face value.

/The Abstinence Teacher/ exposes the powerful emotions that run beneath the surface of modern American family life and explores the complex spiritual and sexual lives of ordinary people.

School Poems and Poetry

A Collection of School Poems and Poetry from the most Famous Poets and Authors.

Philip Larkin, The School in August.

The cloakroom pegs are empty now,
And locked the classroom door,
The hollow desks are lined with dust,
And slow across the floor
A sunbeam creeps between the chairs
Till the sun shines no more.

Who did their hair before this glass?
Who scratched 'Elaine loves Jill'
One drowsy summer sewing-class
With scissors on the sill?
Who practised this piano
Whose notes are now so still?

Ah, notices are taken down,
And scorebooks stowed away,
And seniors grow tomorrow
From the juniors today,
And even swimming groups can fade,
Games mistresses turn grey.

Poëzie over leraren

Rita's Website
Op deze site vind je o.a.: een uitgebreide verzameling gedichten rond het thema 'school', aforismen over onderwijs (en andere zaken)

Hieronder vind je gedichten die op de een of andere manier met onderwijs te maken hebben. De gedichten zijn (enigszins arbitrair) in een aantal categorieën ondergebracht. (zie website)

Woordjes leren
Jongens, heb je verdriet,
sprak toen de leraar Grieks,
dan moet je woordjes leren, woordjes
leren. Hij knikte energiek
zodat er as viel op zijn vest,
maar dat was toch al vies.
Wij lachten halfvertederd,
halfmeewarig, want tragiek
daar wist je alles van en hij,
heel oud, haast vijftig, niets.
En dat het overging als je maar
woordjes leerde, dat was iets
zo absurds, zo dolkomieks
dat het in omloop kwam als een
gevleugeld woord. Het klapwiekt
nu verdrietig om mij heen
omdat ik later woordjes leerde
waarmee je 't monster kunt bezweren
en ik hem niet meer zeggen kan
hoe ik soms naar die stem verlang,
naar dat onhandige advies.

Jan Eijkelboom